Director of People

In addition to Volunteer Coordinator, I act as the Executive Personal Assistant to the Race Directors, Back Up Timer and Store Associate. I am responsible for recruiting, organizing and training volunteers for our events. I also help the main timing crew at sponsored races and cross country meets. I clean the office and I bring the coffee.

I have been around the running world my whole life but started working with Run Toledo in 2019, after I had been a Run Toledo Ambassador and volunteer at races. I fell in love with the behind-the-scenes side of the race production during this time and jumped at the opportunity to join the team.

I am a certified RRCA Race Director and  Level 1 Running Coach. I was also voted Most Likely to Scream and Run from a Stick in 2021.

I grew up in the running world with my dad who ran many ultras when I was younger. As a kid I did all the things, road races, duathlons and triathlons. I have completed 3 marathons and enjoy coaching and helping others reach their goals. I am a wife and mom to two human spawns and four fur children. I volunteer in the kids’ school and serve on several committees there. I enjoy decorating, cookies and napping.

I do what I do here because it fulfills my soul. I love providing a no worries experience to participants and watching lives change.

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